Report Albania Mission August 2022
(English Version)
It was a journey organised by God in every single little detail.
God put the desire in every brother and sister’s heart to leave home and serve Him in Albania.
The team was led by Daniele Gremito (founder of OBM) which has been a great discovery.
We encouraged and edified each other, but above all we prayed together asking the Lord for his guidance in the work that He had prepared for us.
The smiles of the children will remain forever memorible in our hearts during the three days of summer camp in which we played with them and taught them the word of God through biblical stories.
The presence of God during the children’s lessons was really tangible and we pray with all our heart that God will continue to touch those little children more and more and that one day they may become his faithful servants.
Even though we didn’t know their language, we had a lot of fun together experiencing such a profound joy that we recognised it was joy that only our King could have created within us.
Through this journey God wanted to show each one of us the wonderful work of His Church in Albania.
We all enjoyed Pastor Genci's guidance and intimate fellowship with God (Bathore Church, Kamez).
We visited brothers and sisters of the Church who welcomed us into their homes or workplace with great love.
We prayed for them and brought them words of encouragement: The Holy Spirit was always present with us in every home we visited; By totaly relying on God we experienced his supernatural guidance and He spoke through the lips of each team member.
We were moved to see how God turned around very difficult situations with his great power.
It also really touched us to see brothers and sisters that were going through very heavy trials, smile and give Glory to God.
An example for us of great faith was to see brothers that put everything they have towards serving God, having understood that the treasure will be great in heaven.
We thank God wholeheartedly for allowing us to take this journey because it has been a stepping stone for us towards God's calling for our lives.
We want to thank Pastor Genci and his wife Ilda for translating our every word and for being great support and encouragement to us at all times. They made us feel at home and organised everything with such care and love.
Our encouragment for you is to experience a missionary journey at least once in your life, a journey that can be used by the Lord to deeply shake you and bring change, just as God did with us.
Donation for Cosovo
In February I went to Cosovo for the first time to explore new possible collaborations with local missionaries and pastors. Thanks to the generous donations received, we were able to bless 4 missionaries, the Bible school and the "House of Hope" association for a total of € 1200.
While I was still in Cosovo unfortunately the war in Ukraine started. After personally contacting all those who had donated towards the mission and the Open Bridge Ministry team, it was decided to donate € 1000 to brother Mikola who had started using his premises (pizzeria) in Ukraine to feed many people that had been evacuated and the Ukrainian military.
Donations for Albania
With the funds raised for this mission we were able to cover all the expenses for 3 days camping with an average of 30 children and were able to buy food packages for 10 families.
I thank God for allowing us to do these missions and I thank you all for your prayers and support.